Our university childcare facilities include Nakayoshien, for infants and toddlers, Muscat Room, for sick children in the Shikata area, and Kainoki Jido Club, for schoolchildren in Tsushima area, with the aim of enhancing childcare support.

On-campus childcare facility

In the Shikata campus, we have established the Childcare Facility for Infants and Toddlers: Nakayoshien to care for the children of faculty members and staff, researchers, and graduate students. From newborns to 5 years old, children are eligible to enter Nakayoshien. We accept newborns to children of one year old who have difficulty entering the licensed childcare facility in the vicinity. To support of reinstating women, we are trying to accept children year-round.

Kainoki Jido Club
As part of our support for the next generation, we created childcare facility for schoolchildren, the Kainoki Jido Club to care children of the faculty members and staff during summer, winter and spring breaks . At the Kainoki Jido Club, we accept school children from nearby, provided we have room.

Childcare facility for sick children: Muscat
The childcare facility for sick children, the Muscat, helps care for sick children of faculty members. There are full-time nurses and childcare professionals. The nursery room has a relaxed and homely atmosphere where children can recover quickly.