Organization for Diversity Management, Okayama University.

Leader Development ProgramLeader Development Program

Enrollment Guide


Participants in this program will be determined based on recommendations from the respective departments. Please ask our office if you are interested in participating in this program.

For details on the lectures and seminars to be held as Phases 1, 2, and 5, the overseas dispatch program to be held as Phase 3, and the subsidy program to support the holding of Phase 4, please refer to the website and the announcement distributed by the Diversity Promotion Division.

Please note that individual lectures, etc., to be held are open to attendance by people other than official participants (including graduate students).

Program Completion Requirements

  Completion of this program is based on fulfillment of all requirements for completion of each Phase. However, if a student is deemed to already have sufficient ability and experience in individual requirements and is deemed to be equivalent to having completed the course, he/she will be recognized as having completed the program.